Friday, November 18, 2011

Are YOU an entrepreneur?

Inspired by Robert Rashford's excellent exhortation at Work Place Ambassadors this morning on entrepreneurship... and his challenge, entrepreneur or not, to take initiative and risks.  We are to be men and women of conviction and courage in the workplace, like Daniel of the Old Testament was.  We are to invest our God-given talents (Matt 25) at work in faith not fear for return on our investment of time and money.

Interesting enough, after the time with Robert, I ran across an article that started with:

“You are forty, out of a job, a newlywed, your wife is expecting a baby, you don’t own your own home, you have no specialized qualifications, the only company you ever launched went bankrupt and you have just been sentenced to one year in jail.”
Source: Harold Evans, They Made America
Pop Quiz: Who was this person and what did they ultimately do with the cards dealt them? The answer is at the end of this entry.
Hint: He was an entrepreneur. Are you?

If you don't know the answer to the above question, I think you might be surprise.  For the answer go to the website below.  I would encourage you to read the whole article for a fun and insightful secular article about entrepreneurship that has a lot of sound virtue underpinning the content.

I trust you will read it with the perspective of a biblical world view...focusing on the goldy traits that characterize sincerity, humility, and honesty....filtering out article content that would not be helpful for a Christian entrepreneur...Enjoy!!!

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