https://mwejobs.maryland.gov/ is the website address for Maryland Workforce exchange that has an upcoming regional hiring event that would be worth attending. For more details, read on which includes instructions on how to register for the event.
Dear Jobseeker,
The State of Maryland is committed to helping those who have experienced extended unemployment gain access to job opportunities within the State. In direct support of this commitment, the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) is holding an “INVITATION ONLY” JobsNOW! Regional Hiring Event where you can put your best foot forward in meeting some of the State’s most eager employers with multiple job openings.
The event details are as follows:
DATE: Wednesday, April 11, 2012
TIME: 8AM – 4PM|Wave ONE, 8AM – 12PM; Wave TWO, 12PM – 4PM
LOCATION: TheMarriott Inn & Conference Center, University of Maryland University College
3501 University Boulevard East
Hyattsville, Maryland 20783
Support for the JobsNOW! Regional Hiring Event is provided by a National Emergency Grant (NEG) awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. This one-of-a-kind event promises to not be your traditional job fair, but rather an event designed to specifically match motivated jobseekers with businesses that have an urgent hiring need. Job opportunities range from the highly skilled professional level to entry level with some of Maryland’s top employers
Register TODAY at http://jobsnowseekers.
Participation is limited and registration will be closed when the venue capacity is reached. You must also be enrolled in the Maryland Workforce Exchange (MWE), our State employment database, at www.mwejobs.maryland.govPRIOR to the day of the event. If you do not have access to the Internet, you may utilize the computers at your local One Stop Career Center or public library to register online. On the day of the event, plan to dress for success andbring forty (40) copies of your resume.
Let’s gear up for JobsNOW!
Best Regards,
Ellen Flowers-Fields, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL)
State of Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
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