Monday, April 30, 2012

Helpful Job Search Books

Recently I have run across...and scanned Kindle copies...of three books (in addition to Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0) that have some very good tips how to navigate the "new job search world" we live in...the "new world" since the 2009 recession kicked in changing the "rules for job hunting" significantly and probably permanently.  The books are: 

Guerrilla Marketing for a Bullet Proof Career
- best "non-Christian" book I have read recently on helping get and keep the "guerilla warfare" mindset needed for searching for jobs in this tough market. 

The Power Formula for Linkedin Success
- introductory book on using Linkedin...will probably be elementary for established users, but very good overview with people that are not comfortable in using this professional social networking tool to is "marketing and networking" full potential. 

Head Hunters Hiring Secrets
- very readable and VERY practical and to the point for easy implementation

I would suggest you read the reviews on Amazon...good and bad see if what is written by readers resonates with your perceived needs and would be helpful to you.  If money is tight, I suggest you check with the local libraries to see if they have copies for borrow.  The books are engaging, practical and quick reads with very good content that I found quite helpful.

I will be praying that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide your searches and that you will find  favor with that one hiring manager who will offer you a job very soon.  Art

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