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What are the best resume writing tips? This article focuses on the things you need to think about before you write your resume. Consider this the planning stage and go through the following steps:

1. Ask Yourself, What Size Company Do You Want To Join?

It is important to consider the size of the company you are targeting. For instance, a small or medium-sized company may want a candidate capable of wearing many hats. Your prior experience working at similar-sized companies, or even owning your own small business is worth highlighting on your resume to show that you are multi-faceted.
Conversely, a Fortune 1,000 firm is more formal and structured and requires greater focus in one function. Employers will want to see that you know how to leverage resources and build relationships with internal customers and stakeholders.
So first decide the type and size of company you are targeting so you will know what to emphasize on the resume.

2. Put Yourself In The Position Of The Employer.

The resume is NOT about you – it is all about WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR EMPLOYER. It is crucial that you adopt this frame of mind so you are continuing to answer the big question, “Why should I hire you?”
When you put yourself in the position of the employer, it becomes much clearer what information you need to include. Consider the level of experience desired in a candidate, skills necessary for the job, and relevant past experience and knowledge that can be applied to the position.
Focus on the top five requirements the employer wants. Think about the way performance is measured. This information is generally apparent from the job posting, so review it carefully and you’ll know what you need to focus on to write a resume that will catch the employer’s attention.

3. Demonstrate Your Experience And Accomplishments.

Now that you have made a list of the top five things the employer wants, start listing how you can demonstrate that you meet their requirements.
List your years of experience, the kinds of firms you worked at and what you achieved. Then think about the things you would brag about in a job interview that would impress them.
Here you should use the C-A-R style to tell your story. Start with the CHALLENGE, detail what ACTIONS you took and showcase the RESULTS.
For example:
Challenged to turnaround an under-performing territory, led training sessions in sales best practices and introduced new incentives/contests that resulted in delivering a record 148% of sale goals.
When you think ahead about what the employer desires and strategically plan out the information to use and highlight in your resume, you will have an effective resume that commands attention and will get the phone to ring