Sunday, May 4, 2014

7 vital habits of the successful professional

taken in it's entirety from

1. Realize You’re A Business-Of-One

Your career has equity. Recognize it and start to determine how to use it to your advantage. Inventory your assets as a professional and determine who is willing to pay top-dollar for them. If you don’t have valuable skills sets that are in-demand, start acquiring some.

2. Always Look To Gain An Advantage In Your Business Dealings

You must negotiate with employers. Don’t take what is given to you without a discussion. An employer is a business who is always looking for the best deal. You need to do the same. Learn to effectively negotiate pay, perks, and other benefits so you feel good about the partnership. You don’t work “for” an employer – you work “with” an employer.

3. Do Things Well

Remember that doing things well is more important than doing new things. Get focused on building your expertise and understanding how you are the aspirin to an employer’s pain. You must be great at a few things, rather than okay at a bunch of things.

4. Work With People Who Are Smarter Than You

Look for the smartest people you can work with. Find companies you admire and respect. Not for their pay and perk package, but for the kind of products or services they deliver. You must seek your professional tribe and partner with them to bring up your career game.

5. Get Clear On Your Employer’s Goals, Needs, And Business Intentions

Want to do better in your career? Try not to being so self-centered. It’s not about your needs and wants. Instead, focus on the needs, wants, and business objectives of the people you are partnering with. You’ll be able to offer more value and get more in return if you do. They are your customer. Exceed their expectations and you’ll have them eating out of your hand.

6. Be In A Position To Walk Away When The Situation Isn’t Right

Get yourself in a financial position that enables you to quit a job and survive without income for one year. Every job is temporary. You may lose a job. You may want to leave a job. In either case, having the security of savings will give you the power to make the best decisions for your business-of-one. Who wants to stay in a bad situation just for the money? Ask anyone who held on to a life-sucking job only to get laid-off how that worked for them. They’ll tell you they wish they could have left at the first sign of trouble.

7. Realize You Need Experiences And Setbacks To Move Forward

There is no real failure. We experience, learn, and grow. Stop playing it safe and start embracing your fear. As the old saying goes, “Life begins where your comfort zone ends.” You will not survive and thrive in your career if you don’t constantly learn new things. Making mistakes teaches us what not to do. That’s a good thing! Stop worrying about what others think and start worrying about what will happen if you don’t take control.
How are you taking ownership of your career? What other tips can you share for becoming an ultra-successful professional?
I’d love to hear your thoughts below.


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