This is a follow-up to the free Guerrilla Job Search Audio I request and have found quite insightful. The free CD can be requested at ...and I recommend you getting it if the offer is still available.
Read on for tips on making sure you know the hours of the day that you are most productive and making sure to capture those hours for priority action and activity in your job search planning each day.
>>>>Email sent me byDavid Perry and Kevin Donlin
"Time isn't money. Time is everything." - Dr. Bernie Siegel
Want to find a job faster?
You can, if you use your time better.
You and I each get 24 hours in a day.
How you use this precious resource largely determines your
success in finding a job ... and anything else you do.
If you're unhappy with how you manage your time, why not
try a different approach and manage your energy instead?
Let me explain ...
While we all get an equal amount of hours in a day, not
all hours have equal value.
Some of us are morning people and perform at our peak before
noon. Others are afternoon or evening people, and have more
energy at those times of day.
Why not take advantage of your natural tendencies and
schedule your important tasks for when you'll have the
most energy?
This is like riding a horse in the direction it wants to go.
If you don't know when your hours of peak performance are,
find out. Carry a small notebook or voice recorder (a smart
phone has both) and record those times when you feel
energized, as well as times when you feel sluggish.
Then, schedule next week's job search activities during your
peak-performance times.
You will likely find that when you manage your energy
effectively, the hours will take care of themselves --
you'll get more done and find work faster as a result.
Kevin Donlin
Guerrilla Job Search International
P.S. -- Please forward this email to anyone you know who's looking
for a job -- they will thank you!
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