By Lee Gibson
I have a day job as a corporate recruiter and I conducted around 3,000 phone interviews for a number of different and diverse companies in 2010. Each day, I witness job seekers make serious errors in how they market their skills and present themselves as individuals during phone interviews–errors which knock them out of the recruitment process! Sadly for them, with proper preparation these errors could have been easily avoided. This is good news for you!
I attribute the short comings I see in job seekers as a Corporate Recruiter to a fundamental misunderstanding of: the value of a phone interview; hiring manager expectations in increasingly crowded talent pools; and the skills needed to identify and market individual, unique skills and experience.
That’s where I can help. I help my clients understand what a Phone Interview truly is and how valuable it could be if approached correctly. After spending well over 700 hours (and counting) conducting phone interviews, it is clear: A huge gap exist between the effort candidates put into preparing for their Phone Interview in relation to the career goal being sought–a job! Interview preparation isn’t difficult and, with the right tools, doesn’t have to take too much time.
My unique position as a Recruiter, interacting with both candidates and hiring managers, has positioned me as a leader in the area of interview preparation. From my experience and observation, I have developed the REACH method of preparation for phone and face-to-face interviews. REACH is the key to closing the gap between you and the job you want!
REACH is so simple and easy to follow and it takes very little time to work through the five steps:
- Research the Position
- Evaluate Your Skills
- Align with the Position
- Channel the Positive
- Hone Your Pitch
That’s it! No need to worry about where to start or what you’ll be asked during your interview. Just start using REACH to prepare for your interview and you’ll be covered.
Use the links below to hop over to the Intravance Blog and read on to better understand how simple it is for you to REACH for a better interview.
Explore REACH:
Research the Position,
Evaluate Your Skills,
Align with the Position,
Channel the Positive,
and Hone Your Pitch
Evaluate Your Skills,
Align with the Position,
Channel the Positive,
and Hone Your Pitch
Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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