The technology executive had been out of work for more than a year, but he didn’t tell any of his friends he was unemployed. Instead, he made up a story about how he was consulting on some confidential projects, the details of which he would reveal when it was time to go public. Meantime, he applied for dozens of posted job openings he saw online, with zero success. He also spent time golfing at the country club, where his locker was next to a CEO in his field. Still, he guarded his secret carefully, staying mum with his golf buddies about his job hunt. Finally, his distraught wife set up some sessions with Donald Asher, an executive career coach and author of 11 books, including Cracking the Hidden Job Market: How to Find Opportunity in any Economy. Asher, who splits his time between San Francisco and northern Nevada, convinced his new client to open up about his job hunt, and start talking to everyone he knew about how he was on the market. Sure enough, one of his golfing friends gave him a tip that led to a job at a startup. “He never ever would have gotten that job the way he was looking for work before,” writes Asher.
As I’ve written in earlier articles, despite the explosion of employment listings online, job seekers should spend no more than 20% of their time answering ads (some coaches recommend only 10%). Instead, says Asher, and a number of other coaches I’ve interviewed, the best way to find a job is through a combination of networking and direct contact. That way you tap into the so-called hidden job market. That is, you get to the head of the line of job candidates before a job is listed anywhere, and sometimes, before the hiring manager has even decided she is going to hire for a particular position.
Example: A college student was looking for a summer internship and decided she wanted to do communications and marketing for a liberal arts college. Instead of answering online listings, she put together a letter describing her interest, and sent it to PR professionals at 40 colleges and universities in her area. Ten got back to her and one offered her a position.
“The hidden job market is a job you can’t see,” explains Asher. “If I can hire somebody without posting the job, I’m going to do that 100% of the time.” Given the choice of sorting through hundreds of difficult-to-distinguish applications, and taking the recommendation of a contact, or considering an applicant who has demonstrated initiative and enthusiasm by getting in touch directly, most hiring managers will take the most efficient path. “It’s like the dating rule,” says Asher. “You’re more likely to date someone introduced to you by a cousin. The same thing happens in hiring.”
As Asher writes repeatedly in his book, “you get a job by talking to people.” That doesn’t just mean classic job interviewing. It means talking about your job search to everyone who will listen. Asher recommends using all channels, including face to face chatting, phone, email, snail mail, and social media like LinkedIn and Facebook. Asher even says that strangers, like people you might meet in line to buy coffee, can be great contacts. He tells the story of a client who was heading from the airport to an interview with a company in Indianapolis. She asked her cabbie about the company, and the driver replied that he’d heard a competitor was a better place to work. Asher’s client wound up reaching out to the competitor, telling them honestly that she was in town interviewing with their rival. She wound up getting offers from both companies.
Asher also advocates looking for a specific job, rather than casting about for openings. Know the industry where you want to work, the job function and the title. If you’re not certain about those three things, Asher suggests an information-gathering mission.
In his book, Asher writes about how he used to have open office hours where he coached non-executive clients. One client, Aiden Spencer, was about to graduate from U.C. Berkeley with a degree in biology, but he wanted to be a residential income property manager. Spencer’s résumé was loaded with terms like “Spectrophotometry” and “chromatography titration,” so Asher urged Spencer to walk into residential high rises and ask for advice about how he could rewrite his CV to make himself attractive as a job candidate. At the first building, Spencer was urged to take some business classes. Spencer answered that he had worked as the treasurer for his fraternity and handled the capital and operating budget. Asher urged Spencer to continue to walk into buildings and ask about what his résumé needed. By the end of four weeks, he’d removed words like “endonucleases,” and played up his experience not only handling budgets, but also managing carpentry, plumbing and electrical repairs. Armed with new information about residential property, Spencer decided he was more interested in managing commercial buildings. Asher encouraged him to keep hunting by walking in and approaching building staff directly. Two weeks later, Spencer had landed a job as a leasing agent at a commercial building.
Asher recommends approaching contacts with a series of questions, rather than a plea for a job. “Do not ask them for a job at their place of employment,” he advises. “Always ask about advice, ideas, leads and referrals,” he says. “People always have time for that conversation.”