Friday, July 13, 2012

Guerrilla Resume - Resource

Following seven months of struggle, one Minnesota man made a simple change in his job search in August, and was hired for a new position only 30 days later.
What did he do?
Read on …

The 30-Day Job Search: Another Guerrilla Resume Success Story

By Kevin Donlin | October 16th, 2009
Following seven months of struggle, one Minnesota man made a simple change in his job search in August, and was hired for a new position only 30 days later.
What did he do?
Read on …
Scott Bornstein, from suburban Minneapolis, was using what he thought was a well written resume, but without results. “Every time I sent it out, people would suggest changes to make. When I handed it out at a job fair, they’d say, ‘Thank you’ and file it away immediately.” He wasn’t getting called by employers.
Sound familiar?
But Bornstein found a way to improve his resume, which boosted his self-confidence, which, in turn, led to more interviews, in a virtuous circle that led to a job offer within 30 days.
It all started with a new, improved resume.
“I went to using a Guerrilla Resume. It was easy to write and it gave me confidence, with a resume that I felt positive to hand out to anybody,” says Bornstein.
The Guerrilla Resume is a new style of resume. It’s normally one page long and has two essential components:
      1. logos or graphics from past employers, colleges, or organizations;
      2. quotes from people familiar with your work, such as managers or clients.
Why are these elements so powerful?
Logos and graphics can improve your resume because the human brain would rather look at pictures than read. (What’s worth a thousand words?) So the right logo or graphic on your resume can make a favorable impact before an employer reads one word of your resume.
Can you get in trouble for using a logo? If you print it on a T-shirt and sell it on Ebay, sure. But is it verboten to use a logo in your resume to convey a relationship with an employer, client, school, or organization?
Not in my experience since 1996. Of course, I’m not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. When in doubt, ask permission before using a corporate graphic or logo.
Quotes from past managers or clients are the second element of every Guerrilla Resume.
Bornstein used three quotes on his resume. Quotes get attention because they are third-party endorsements of you, just like testimonials in an infomercial.
Where can you get them? Start with the recommendations on your Linkedinprofile. They’re already in the public domain — why not use those quotes in your resume?
Now, here’s what happened after Bornstein revamped his resume.
“The next day I went to a job fair in Minneapolis. I walked up to a recruiter and handed my resume to her. She actually grabbed my hand, leaned in, and said, ‘This is an amazing resume.’ And I knew at that moment that I had something,” says Bornstein.
What he had was confidence, which improved every part of his job search.
Think about how easy it is to do something when you know you can, versus when you’re unsure. It’s the difference that can make all the difference.
“With the new resume, I had complete confidence in what I was doing. As soon as I started handing it to other people – hiring managers, recruiters, whoever – nobody wanted to change it. I felt they all wanted to give me a chance, and that was different,” says Bornstein.
The job Bornstein eventually took came from a contact he made at the Wooddale Transition Group. (If you’re not a member of a high-quality job club, consider joining one. In addition to producing employment leads, it gets you out of the house to meet and help other people.)
“An email went to the group members on a Wednesday and I applied, along with 32 other people. The new resume immediately popped up for the hiring manager,” says Bornstein, who was called on Friday and interviewed on Monday. A second interview followed on Thursday and he was offered a job the next day — nine days after applying.
What did Bornstein do to seal the deal in his second job interview?
He brought a portfolio of achievements, work samples, and comments from others, organized in a three-ring binder. The portfolio, which took Bornstein two hours to assemble, supported his resume and helped him edge out two other candidates for the position.
When asked to describe the difference his new resume made, Bornstein replied, “The confidence was huge for me.”
An eye-grabbing resume can provide the same kind of ego boost you might enjoy after getting a nice haircut or a $1,000 suit. If clothes can make the man, can aGuerrilla Resume make the job search?
In this case at least, the answer is yes.

for more on how to get started on preparing a Guerrilla Resume, go to:

Discover How To Get The Job 

You Choose, At The Salary You Deserve
-- Even In A Recession” ...

“As Featured by The New York Times,
CBS Radio, Wall Street Journal, ABC News, and More”

“New Guerrilla Resume Gets You Interviewed
and Hired in Only 90 Days”

“Plus, You Save $10.00
During Our 33% Off Sale” ...


Don't you hate it?
  • You apply online for jobs you KNOW you're perfect for -- and nothing happens ...
  • You hand your resume to friends -- and they ALL have different ideas to improve it ...
  • You revise your resume over and OVER -- and you still don't have a job ...
You're not going crazy.
And you're not alone ...
Today's job market is a living nightmare.
Want proof? The average time to find a job is now 33.6 weeks -- more than 8 MONTHS -- according to Sept. 2010 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
And if it takes you 33 weeks to find work, you're missing out 33 weekly paychecks.
That money is gone. Poof. Up in smoke.
Can you afford that? Add in a mortgage, car payments, health care, and it only gets worse.
That's the real cost of unemployment, if your resume is not getting you job interviews.
Suppose you could wave a magic wand and fix your resume -- today -- and make employers call you with job offers.
Imagine ... getting the job you want, doing work you love ... bringing home the salary you deserve ... taking your family out to dinner to celebrate at your favorite restaurant ... telling your friends and neighbors, "I got a new job!"
Wouldn't it be nice to get your life back?
Well, you can -- in less than 30 days -- with the right resume.
Here's how ...

Time Out -- FREE Audio CD!

Why struggle to find a job when others do it so easily?
Grab your Free audio CD of Guerrilla Job Search Secrets!
A new browser window will open, so you can keep reading this web page.
Supplies are limited -- to claim yours, click here now.

Now, back to our story ...
My name is David Perry.
For the past 23 years I've been Managing Director of Perry-Martel International, one of North America’s top firms for executive search, recruiting and placement. I've helped hire more than 997 executives and negotiated more than $171 million in salaries.
You'll find me quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune Magazine, and on TV as an employment analyst for CBC News World in Canada.
I'm the co-author of "Guerrilla Marketing for Job-Hunters 2.0" and the author of "Career Guide for the High-Tech Professional."

Why Should You Listen To Me?

As a recruiter, I read dozens of resumes every day for a living -- more than 100,000 resumes since 1992.
Sadly, less than .1% of all resumes ever grab my attention and make me call that candidate.
And here's a secret reason why ...
Whether your resume succeeds or fails is based on emotional appeal -- the "gut instinct" a hiring pro like me has when glancing at your resume.
How long does it take? About 3 seconds!
That's right. Your resume has about 3 seconds -- a few blinks of the eye -- to grab an employer's attention and make them want to meet you.
If you make that emotional connection, we keep reading your resume to find just one or two logical reasons to justify our first impression. Then we call you for a job interview!
But, if your resume fails to connect with a busy employer in the first 3 seconds, they toss your resume aside or hit the "Delete" key. And that job you want -- the one you're 100% qualified for -- goes to someone else.
Is that fair or logical? Of course not!
And if you add up how many jobs you've lost out on because your perfecly logical, well-written resume failed to grab employers on an emotional level, well, it's enough to make you want to scream. But ...

Don't Get Mad At Employers.
Get Even! Here's How ...

Recently, I met up with a guy named Kevin Donlin, President of Guaranteed Resumes.
I took a look at the resumes Kevin was writing for his clients and ... I was blown away!
I thought I knew everything resumes, but Kevin proved me wrong. Reading one of his resumes was like hearing Jimi Hendrix for the first time. Mind blowing.
I picked up the phone and called Kevin right away. I asked him to help me create a new type of resume that combined the best of my 23 years of experience with his Guaranteed Resumes.
What happened next?
Well, after working together for 5 months, Kevin and I developed a new resume format that is getting people hired for good jobs -- right now. It's called ...
And when YOU get your hands on our new "Guerrilla Resumes" ...

You Will Get Hired In 90 Days, Or Less.
We Absolutely Guarantee It.

(I'll tell you about my DOUBLE your-money-back guarantee in a moment.)
But first, here are real stories from real people, who used Guerrilla Resumes ...p> 

"Jobless For 8 Months, Hired in About 30 Days!"
"I had been looking for a job for about 8 months before and I got a new job about one month after. I used my Guerrilla Resume as well as a cover letter created by the templates provided by you guys.
"I went to the interview not anticipating a job offer but with an open mind. I took an exam first and then talked to a team member of the consulting agency. The next day the offer came in. I really believe the entire thing came about from my revamped resume. I feel a sense of pride when I hand it out now ... I can't thank you enough for the changes you have helped me make in my resume and in all aspects of the job search."
Keith Talbert
Lumberton, Texas

"Hired In Only 31 Days!"
"This stuff really works. You blew me away with the results achieved. How about this -- a job offer in 31 days, and that was without rushing out of the starting gate!
"Here's the chronology:
"Day 1 -- Purchased Guerrilla Resumes and read it immediately.
"Day 4 -- After several revisions, faxed my NEW Guerrilla Resume in response to a newspaper ad. Received a phone call back within 2 hours and had a brief phone interview.
"Days 11-20 -- Began sending my new resume with cover letter to a selected list of preferred employers. I built the list by driving around the neighborhood where I thought potential employers might be. I researched and found contact information for them using Google.
"I mailed/emailed/faxed a total of 19 resumes. Received 12 responses, resulting in 4 in-person interviews, 1 phone interview and 1 employer who I haven't met with yet, but still wants to meet.
"Everyone I talked to said they were impressed by my resume. At one of the interviews (with 2 partners) I was told, 'That wasn't a resume. It was one of best pieces of advertising we've ever seen -- it was so different and so effective. We're not looking to hire another person right now, but we had to talk to you after reading your stuff.'
"Day 30 -- Called back for 2nd interview and offered a position.
"Day 31 -- Accepted the offer for a job, 5 minutes from home.
"You know what the sad part is? I have to call the job search off now. It was fun and energizing. "
Rod Sider
Waterloo, Ontario

"Hired In Only 30 Days!"
"I was struggling ... out of work for 8 months. The first 7 months I was using my two-page resume that I think pretty much everyone else uses. My confidence was pretty low. [The Guerrilla Resume] gave me the confidence, it gave me a resume that I felt positive to hand out to anybody. I had a job offer within a month."
Scott Bornstein
Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Hands Down, The Best Decision I Have Made"
"Utilizing your services was hands down, the best decision I have made since beginning my job search. Even with a bad economy there are still jobs out there. I accepted a position today at a school district as a computer system technician. This is a position I was dying for 7 months ago when I found out a friend had gotten it. Well here I am, the dream a reality!"
Marc Janiak
Bartlett, Illinois

"$22,000 Extra In Only 45 Days!"
"I just got an offer today after only 45 days. I went on interviews with 8 companies. I found a job that I think I am going to really love, and if you can believe it, I am getting a $22,000 raise on my base alone!"
Nattalie Owens
Minneapolis, Minnesota

"3 Interviews... 3 Job Offers... And a $60,000 Raise!"
"I landed a job in the same industry doing the exact same thing, but making close to six figures, compared to my last job in the low forties. I had 3 interviews and 3 job offers. Thanks. The resume made the difference."
Bill Gibbs
Gainesville, Florida

"Chosen Out Of 400 Candidates!"
"I used some of your techniques and today received a job offer. I was the only one chosen to interview out of 400 resumes and offered the job at the end of the interview. I will definitely recommend others to your service. Thanks again!"
Tim Hieserich
St. Paul Park, Minnesota

"Hired In 7 Only Weeks in America's Worst Job Market!"
"I got a call within a week after having no calls forever. A general manager called and said, 'I didn't want you to go the weekend without knowing that you're going to get a call from the sales manager early next week.' And he called first thing Monday morning."
Gail Neal
Detroit, Michigan
NOTE: Gail started looking for work on June 7, 2009. From that day until September 21, she had zero job interviews.
After sending out her first Guerrilla Resume on September 21, interviews came quickly. She accepted a new job 51 days later, on November 11, 2009 in a city where unemployment tops 25-30%.

I know you're probably skeptical, but think about this -- if you keep doing what you've been doing in your job search, you'll keep getting the same results.
And how's that been working for you?

Here's A Small Sample
Of What You Get In Our
Guerrilla Resumes System ...

Your Resume, Guerrilla Style

The 2 things you MUST do before writing one word of your Guerrilla Resume (See pages 12-16)
Discover how the 8 parts of a Guerrilla Resume -- including 3 astonishing ingredients -- can make your phone ring off the hook with job offers (pages 17-29)
Warning! If you were ever told to use a functional resume by some career "expert" who hasn't placed more than 997 executives over 23 years like I have, you were given BAD advice. And it's wrecking your career. The solution is on pages 33-34.
And much more...

Your Job Search as a Marketing Campaign

How to stop thinking like an ordinary job seeker, and start thinking like a Blue Chip Stock ... one that delivers a 400% Return On Investment (page 16)
Which group of people should you NEVER send a Guerrilla Resume to, under any circumstances? It's just like talking to a wall (See page 28)
How to change the rules of the job-search game. It's like picking up a Monopoly board and tipping all the money, hotels and houses into your lap. If you've ever been ignored by an HR person or recruiter, this is for you! (page 16)
The same advertising principles that sell used cars and old refrigerators can "force" employers to call you. What are they? (Found on page 25)
Discover how to get other people to sell you, using the same technique that helped turn TV infomercials into a $256-billion industry. You can use it in your resume -- today. Turn to pages 28-29
And much more ...

Difficult Problems -- Solved

Employment gaps? Career changes? How to quickly and easily solve these problems -- every time (See pages 32-36)
Learn the "7 Deadly Things" to leave out of your resume. I'll tell you 2 of them right now: reasons for leaving a job, and troublesome job titles. Find out how to handle these 2 and the other 5 on pages 44-45
Should you include hobbies, interests or volunteer work on your resume? The answer is ... probably. Get the simple explanation -- and find out how to break the ice with hiring managers at your next interview (See pages 26-27)
No college degree? No problem! How to describe your education and training with simple writing secrets that work every time (See pages 25-26)
Misspellings and other errors in your resume are "silent career killers." Because no employer will call you to point them out -- they simply won't call. Now you can avoid humiliating mistakes that keep you unemployed, with our a goof-proof Guerrilla Proofreading Checklist -- on pages 45-47
And much more ...

Cover Letters: The Guerrilla Way

Discover "The Only Cover Letter You'll Ever Need" -- and learn how the secrets of "junk mail" can get you hired -- on pages 54-55
3 ways to begin your Guerrilla Cover Letter that get an employer's attention, every time. I'm literally giving you the keys to your next job by telling you how to impress a hiring manager like me, who's read nearly 100,000 cover letters over 23 years. Pay attention to this on page 57
How to "name drop" in your Guerrilla Cover Letter and turn the tables, by making employers wait by the phone for YOU to call! How much fun would that be? (See page 58)
The new way to end your Guerrilla Cover Letter and compel readers to say, Huh?! Not 1 in 1,000 cover letters does this, yet 98 out of 100 successful sales letters do. What is it? Discover this missing ingredient on pages 58-59
And much more ...
Plus, you get ...

4 Free Gifts -- Worth $190.00 --
And All You Have To Do Is Say "Maybe"

Free Gift #1 ($120.00 Value)
12 Copy-And-Paste Guerrilla Resume Templates in Microsoft Word Format

It's one thing to show you how to "fish" for a new job by creating a Guerrilla Resume. But I want to make this as easy as possible -- and just hand you the fish!
That's why I'm including 12 copy-and-paste versions of the best Guerrilla Resumes, in Microsoft Word format. Just open the document, type in your information and presto! You're done. It's never been easier to create a job-winning Guerrilla Resume! 
Free Gift #2 ($50.00 Value)
5 Copy-And-Paste Guerrilla Cover Letter Templates in Microsoft Word Format 

While I'm at it, I'll give you 5 Copy-And-Paste Guerrilla Cover Letter Templates in Microsoft Word format.
Talk about a no-brainer. Now you're just a few mouse clicks away from creating a dynamite cover letter that works with your Guerrilla Resume like a 1-2 punch. You WILL stand out and you WILL get hired faster! 
Free Gift #3 ($10.00 Value)
Special Report: "How to Find and Work With a Recruiter" 

Here's the report job seekers have been begging me to write for 15 years. However you describe them -- recruiters, headhunters, executive search professionals -- finding the right one is a skill you must master in your career. Too bad it's not taught in ANY school!
You'll learn my "11 Unbreakable Rules" for getting a recruiter to help in your job search, including Rule 3: How to Become an “MPA” -- a Most Placeable Applicant -- free! 
Free Gift #4 ($10.00 Value)
Special Report: "How to Change Careers, Without a Résumé!" 

If you've ever dreamed about getting a job in a completely different field, this is for you. This Special Report shows you how to make the switch to almost any new career you want ... and your resume won't matter. You get turn-by-turn directions to making a career transition, in any economy!
Together these 4 Free Gifts are worth $190.00.
But they're yours absolutely free today.
Okay, so ...

What's The Cost For This Incredible Resource?

Well, realize that Kevin Donlin and I have charged up to $1,500 to write a Guerrilla Resume for clients. But, unfortunately, it's no longer possible to hire us. We're too busy with our recruiting, writing, and speaking schedules.
But I'm not going to charge you $1,500 or even my minimum hourly consulting fee of $500. In fact, your total investment for the Guerrilla Resumes System is only $39.97 $29.97.
That's about a dollar a day over the next 30 days -- the cost of a can of Coke -- for expert guidance that puts you back to work fast!
Plus, you get the 4 Free Gifts (worth $190.00) absolutely FREE.
Why am I practically giving away the secrets that took us nearly 30 combined years to master?
It's quite simple. On a per-hour basis, we make more money selling our system in volume than we do writing resumes for clients one at a time.
So this way you win, we win, everybody wins.

You Get $1,660 in FREE Gifts
and Discounts ... PLUS My 100%,
More-Than-DOUBLE-Your-Money-Back Guarantee!

Your success in using my Guerrilla Resumes System is completely guaranteed. In fact, I double guarantee it!
Here's my 100% MORE-Than-Double-Your-Money-Back Guarantee:

Guarantee #1: You must get a job within 90 days of ordering. If you don't, just email me -- you'll receive a prompt, courteous refund. And you keep your copy of the manual and the bonuses as a $190.00 gift. No questions, no hassles. No hard feelings, either.
Guarantee #2: If you can show me reasonable proof that you’ve followed the simple instructions in “Guerrilla Resumes,” but still don’t get hired during the next 90 days, I’ll send you an EXTRA $50.00 as penalty out of my own pocket, on top of your refund!

Do you realize what this means?

You can put your new “Guerrilla Résumé” to use. Try it and judge for yourself. If for any reason whatsoever you are not 100% delighted after using my system for 90 days, you can ask for and get your money back.

Not only will I refund your purchase, but I will also send you an extra $50.00 for giving my system an honest try, according to the simple instructions you’ll find in the manual.
There is no way you can lose. You either get hired using “Guerrilla Resumes” within 90 days or you get your money back, PLUS an extra $50.00 free!
Does that sound fair?
Look at it this way -- $39.97 $29.97 is a drop in the bucket compared to the paychecks you're losing out on every day you stay unemployed. That's why you've read this far, right? Because you're sick and tired of getting passed over by employers for jobs you KNOW you're perfect for.
Don't get angry at employers. Get even -- by getting more job interviews.
You can start right now ....

Warmest regards,
David Perry, Managing Partner
Perry-Martel International

P.S. -- Below is a partial list of media that have covered our "Guerrilla" tactics.The press loves us because our methods are bold and our success stories are real.
You can NOT make a mistake here ...

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